Friday, May 25, 2012


Yeah, yeah, yeah... I've been a little MIA lately, I know. I have fallen off the bandwagon all around, call it a lack of motivation. My coworkers have been gone, I've been bored to death... I thought that once I graduated, I would have more free time and be more, I don't know, active. But all that has happened is that I have lost focus. Without so much on my plate keeping me to a schedule, I started to feel kind of lost. But I am getting back on course. I want to be able to finish things and I WILL! So today, I am going outside to enjoy this beautiful day while getting some exercise! :) 
My mom is in town today, I haven't seen her in over 6 months, and not at all since I graduated! So I am very excited for her to be visiting. We are going to hang out, catch up, relax on the boat on the lake!! Great way to spend a long weekend (being memorial day weekend  and all). So all in all, things are looking up. I think today's exercise is going to be swimming. I haven't been in a while, but since I'll already be out on the water and it's more than 80 degrees outside, I think this is more than fitting! I'm going to take Dora, my bubs, with me, she LOVES the water! Alright, done with work for the day, time to go play :) Pictures of fun in the sun with the mom and pup to come.

Side note: I started watching The Walking Dead. Honestly an amazing series. I mean, I do like a good zombie movie/show, but this one is GREAT! I finished season one in a day, but I can't seem to find a place to watch season two online. I may have to break down and rent it if no one has it. Sad, but well worth it. AND at least I'll know what to do in a zombiepocalyps.

Friday, May 4, 2012

May Challenge.

30 days, 30 workouts, 30 minutes, 30 pounds. Person who looses the closest to 30 pounds (aka the most weight) wins. So, here's to trying to keep myself honest and accountable. I am going to attempt to post the pictures of the may challenge workouts on here. I'll add as I go, there should be 30 by the time I'm done.
day 1. Dora and I went for a jog.

Day 2. Got stuck in the rain while running.

day 3. Yoga on the Wii!
day 4. Tigers game. May not seem like a workout, but you try walking a few miles in Detroit, climbing the stairs at Comerica, and then sweating your but off for hours and then tell me it's not! :)

day 5. Forgot to take a picture. Walking/running/playing with dogs at my dad's property, not an official workout either, but I'm counting it.

day 6. Pure Sweat! A little over two miles, that was rough!! lol 

Party Bus.

The Graduates (Katie on left and Me on right)
PARTY BUS! This past Saturday was a blast! Katie (who, if you haven't figured it out by now, is my roommate and one of my best friends) and I graduated and celebrated balla' style, with a giant party bus. Katie got the bus with her other friend and then we all celebrated together. We had a great time. 28 people, 6 hours, 3 bars and countless drinks... a great way to end a college career haha. I bought a new dress, which I loved, you can't see it very well in the picture, but it was a cute little black and white dress. I will try to post some more (better) pictures when I get them, but this was the best one I have so far. Celebrating with some of my closest friends (including one who is also my co-worker, wink wink) was all that I could have asked for. I was so thankful for the great night and amazing people who came out to share in the excitement. I feel so blessed to have such great friends and family. The next day I actually felt pretty good, woke up early, got some stuff done around the house, and then felt lost, because Sunday is usually my day of homework... but I had none. That feeling didn't last long though, I relaxed for a bit and then had celebration dinner with my family and Katie (who I count as part of my family as well). My choice, a delicious chicken deVan ( a casserole), and a chocolate, heath, caramel cake homemade by my sister. Overall, a great weekend! 
Side note: On the procrastination front, I have decided I have put off applying for jobs long enough. So throughout the past week i have been slowly applying for some positions through my current employer, a few other local human service agencies and even a few places in Cali. I mean, I think I could handle moving out for a nit, and besides, my lifelong Bestie lives there! (Yeah, we've been friends since Kindergarten, went to school together through college, lived together for a couple years, and I  have so much love for that girl! lol) So, here's hoping to something good... or at least a job with benefits! ;)

Thursday, May 3, 2012


Who has two thumbs and is graduated... THIS GIRL! I know it's been a while, but I have had a lot going on, for real though. haha As previously stated, I graduated! I had finals and papers all week and I had to pick up one of my best friends' mom from the airport for a surprise graduation visit on Friday. Then I went to her graduation and celebration dinner on Saturday, followed by PARTY BUS!! Monday I went to my first Tigers game of the season, which sadly was rained out :( However, I have another coming up this Saturday! All while trying to maintain a workout or at least somewhat healthy routine. Busy, busy, busy. But things have started to calm, and I am really starting to realize, it's over, I did it! :) So, more to come of the party, just wanted to post a quick update.
Side note: Started "May Challenge"with my roommie Katie and her cousin. 30 days, 30 minutes, 30 workouts, 30 pounds... sounds amazing right!? Keep you posted on that too lol
That's ME!!!

Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Life Choices.

I couldn't agree more with this quote. So, in accordance with this statement, I think i should be a mattress tester! (And no, not in a dirty way all you wierd-os with dirty minds). When I am procrastinating, I am most likely taking a nap... or daydreaming about taking a nap! This would be the most logical of things to do seeing as though my other options would be "blog-writter", "book reader", or "tv watcher", and though mattress tester doesn't seem legit, it seems more likely than the rest. :) Okay, so I feel like I haven't been writing on here as much as before so I am going to step it up. In the meantime, a few updates: 1. I graduated. Yes, officially done with school and it feels great! 2. Party bus is booked and ready to go on Saturday. I am so excited to celebrate not only MY graduation, but one of my best friends too! (GO KATIE!!) 3. I am still running... which I am pretty shocked at myself lol. Week 4 and going strong. I think that if I keep it up, I should be good to (definitely not win) but at least finish this race. So all in all, things are going great. Also, I have stopped putting of looking for jobs. I am still sad to think about moving on, I'm loving where I am. But I realize it's time. I am heading in the right direction, finally, and it's time to get a grown up job. No more watching Hulu and playing tetris all day :( So, here's to hoping I hear back from somewhere almost as equally awesome as where I work now, who knows where I'll end up. 
Side note: This week has been SO amazing and is only getting better! Sunday I saw M.C. Hammer preform, Tuesday I finished all of my classes, Thursday I will be seeing Salt-n-Pepper, Saturday is official Graduation Ceremony and Party bus, and Sunday is family dinner! Busy week, but it doesn't get better than that! <3

Friday, April 20, 2012

immediate gratification.

So true. Today after work I plan on utilizing the ultimate form of procrastination... the NAP! And that will totally pay off immediately. I can't wait. The end.
Side note: I still plan on running and finishing up some of my essays for my finals tonight. But first, nap. Then I will have more energy and brain power to complete these taxing tasks. :)

Thursday, April 19, 2012


I do my work at the same time every day, the last minute. This pretty much represents my life. I think the pressure and adrenaline build up causing me to work harder... in turn being more productive. I mean, I can get things done in (the last) 5 minutes that takes other people DAYS! Now that is what I call productivity. One example, my research paper. Yeah I said I was "working" on it for about a week, but in reality, I didn't start working on it until about 8 hours before it was due. But guess what, it got done, it was decent enough (haha high standards, I know), and it didn't get on the way of me not doing other things. So in your face SOC 301! Currently, I am putting off taking a shower and cleaning my room. Yep, even the small things get their share of the "P Love"... what I like to call it when I put something off. But today wasn't a total loss, I did manage to get some work finished, get this, actually at work. I also managed to go for a run, though I really did not want to, and I also plan on starting to read a book that I have been wanting to read since I got it for my birthday, which was in December. So all in all, I call that a good day.
Side note: I'm done! I stopped finding ways to put it off and finally GRADUATED! Yesterday was my last day of class, I have a few essays and loose ends to tie up by Tuesday, and then that's it. Now to start thinking of what I am going to do with myself with no school or homework. More time to work on becoming a more efficient me :)