Friday, May 4, 2012

May Challenge.

30 days, 30 workouts, 30 minutes, 30 pounds. Person who looses the closest to 30 pounds (aka the most weight) wins. So, here's to trying to keep myself honest and accountable. I am going to attempt to post the pictures of the may challenge workouts on here. I'll add as I go, there should be 30 by the time I'm done.
day 1. Dora and I went for a jog.

Day 2. Got stuck in the rain while running.

day 3. Yoga on the Wii!
day 4. Tigers game. May not seem like a workout, but you try walking a few miles in Detroit, climbing the stairs at Comerica, and then sweating your but off for hours and then tell me it's not! :)

day 5. Forgot to take a picture. Walking/running/playing with dogs at my dad's property, not an official workout either, but I'm counting it.

day 6. Pure Sweat! A little over two miles, that was rough!! lol 


  1. Keep up the good work.
    What's with the tongue?

  2. Thanks... I'm working on it! The tongue was because I was sending them to Lisa, who i am doing the challenge with... it was going to be a theme, but then I realized it may be weird to have them all up on my blog like that lol
