Monday, April 9, 2012

Constant Rotation.

An awesome co-worker sent this to me on what we like to call "The F:drive" today. I think it does a great of job summing up my reasoning for starting this blog. I'm tired of feeling like I am in constant rotation of doing nothing and feeling panicked about what the future holds. I graduate in less than a month and I have decided, it's time to step my game up! On that note, it's time to get out of here, go running when I get home, and then write a paper (So I can actually graduate) :) 
(Side note: Thanks to my wonderful work friend for the blog help and this wonderful picture... you know who you are... obviously!)


  1. Who is this awesome co-worker??

  2. It's a secret. I don't want to use any names and get said co-worker in trouble for being on the F:drive all day!!
